
Showing posts with the label CSS

Exploriana Travel - Bus Booking System

Step 1 :  Go to Contact Page Step 2:  Fill in the Details and Type 'I want to purchase the Project' in the Message Box.  

Single Page Responsive Website Template by Techy Dhruv

Download ⬇ File Download

HTML & CSS [Design and Build Websites] - By Jon Duckett


Cards Hover Animation | Sticky Notes using HTML & CSS

 Cards Hover Animation Sticky Notes Output

3 Different Types of Designs for INDIAN FLAG using HTML & CSS


Css Elements

Css Elements 1 OFF 1 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 Dhruv Techy 5 T E C H Y 6 Rate The Website

Parallax Effect using HTML & CSS

 Parallax Effect using HTML & CSS :- HTML & CSS Code <! DOCTYPE html > < html >   < head >     < title > Parallax Effect </ title >     < style >       * {   margin : 0 ;   padding : 0 ; } body {   font-family : Arial , sans-serif ;   height : 6000px ; } .parallax {   height : 100vh ;   background-attachment : fixed ;   background-position : center ;   background-repeat : no-repeat ;   background-size : cover ;   position : relative ; } .parallax-content {   position : absolute ;   top : 60% ;   left : 50% ;   transform : translate ( -50% , -50% );   text-align : center ;   color : rgb ( 255 , 251 , 0 );   font-size : 70px ;   font-weight : bold ;   text-shadow : 5px 1px rgb ( 255 , 0 , 0 ); } .parallax-content1 {   position : absolute ;   top : 60% ;   left : 50% ;   transform : translate ( -50% , -50% );   text-align : center ;   color : rgb ( 255 , 251 , 0 );   font-size : 70px ;   font-weight : bold ;   text-shadow : 0.2px 0.2px

Social Media Icon Gallery using HTML & CSS

Social Media Icon Gallery Using HTML & CSS  HTML CODE :- <! DOCTYPE html > < html lang = "en" > < head >     < meta charset = "UTF-8" >     < meta http-equiv = "X-UA-Compatible" content = "IE=edge" >     < meta name = "viewport" content = "width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" >     < link rel = "stylesheet" href = "css/social_gallery.css" >     < title > Social Media Gallery </ title > </ head > < body >     < div class = "gallery-container" >   < div class = "gallery" >     < div class = "gallery-item" >       < img src = "img/Facebook.png" alt = "Social Media Icon 1" >       < div class = "gallery-item-description" >         < h3 > Facebook </ h3 >         < p > Connect with friends and the world around you on Fa